For your scheduling convenience, The Balance Disorder Center has two phone numbers:

  • If you are having balance/dizziness or hearing issues related to a car accident, please contact us at (908) 527-0244.
  • All other inquiries should be directed to (908) 527-1717.

The Director and staff are fluent in Spanish: Translators are not required.

Location and Directions:

We are located in the City of Elizabeth, NJ at 219 South Broad Street to permit easy access from Route 78, the New Jersey Turnpike, and Newark International Airport.

Eighty-five percent of our patients come from New Jersey (forty percent each from Union and Essex Counties), ten percent from New York City, and five percent from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula.

Easy access for Union and Essex Counties, Metropolitan New York, and international visitors (5 minutes from Newark Airport) follow Rt. 1&9 South, Right on South Broad St.

There is parking at the rear of the building. The Center is on the third floor.

If you would like us to contact you, please enter the following information:


After scheduling your first visit, we recommend filling out the patient history form to expedite your visit.